Guest Speaker

He has consented for the topic karma ka siddhant in Hindi language.

The subject will be addressed in the light of srimad Bhagwat Geeta, philosophy of Adi Shankaracharya and also works of swami Vivekananda with some other relevant personalities and philosophers and scientists.

June 4, 2021

Swami yogeshwaranandgiriji

He has consented for the topic karma ka siddhant in Hindi language. The subject will be addressed in the light of srimad Bhagwat Geeta, philosophy of […]
April 26, 2021

Maj. Gen C.P Singh (Retd.)

April 26, 2021

Dr. Deepti Goyal

Senior Homeopathy Doctor
March 31, 2021

Shri P.C Jain

Founder Chairman The Time Bank Of India, Trust
February 25, 2021

Akriti Khatri

Director Venus Detective
January 25, 2021

Mr. Sumit Vijay

Investor, Trader, YouTuber, Capital Market Enthusiast
January 25, 2021

Ms. Usha Kashyap

Mind Trainer DISHA – Mumbai
January 1, 2021

Pooja Sharrma

Tarot Card Reader, Counsellor 15+ Years Experience as Corporate and Behavioural Development Trainer.
January 1, 2021

Shuchi Kalra

Trainer at Yog Prana Vidya Foundation Trust of Rajasthan Healing is meditation in motion – MCKS
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