”Books are bought for color, not content,” writes Heather Mallick.
“Like a trophy spouse, they [books] are valued for their beauty rather than intellect,” Mallick adds.
It is unfortunate that books are sold by weight, catering to upper class desi aunties who want their drapes to match their ‘library’. Intellect is not valued as much as it should be and people who lack substance guide society.
When we entered school our first interaction was with our school books, we read hundreds of books by the time we complete our graduation. We might not even know but it is a fact that our personality, perceptions, ideals, thought-process and beliefs are largely shaped by the books we read and the company we keep. Thus, we must be very careful in choosing the books we read since they help us in knowing and in being what we are.
There has also been an evident and drastic shift in the reading habits of people after the advent of social media. Many people now prefer reading messages and articles on their mobile screens instead of reading books. They read while they are commuting, lying down on bed and at their workplaces.
Some may welcome it as a positive change while other may still prefer reading books the way they were read earlier. Nonetheless, intention and learning are there in both forms of reading.
Books being sold by weight on a footpath